Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
So recently Gord started the hashtag #gameaudiotips on twitter. He started posting a good tip every day. I thought it was great so I jumped in on it as well. And then some others joined in too. This episode we go over some of the ones we thought have been great so far. And then we answer some questions too.
Again we're happy to have Pro Sound Effects advertising with us again. This time we go over Stallion, another library from Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet. Again, this is a good one. As part of this, PSE has been awesome enough to give us a discount code for all our listeners. If you use the code BEARDS you'll get 15% off both the Industrial Sounds With Soul or the new Stallion libraries. You can see this and all their other libraries at www.prosoundeffects.com and follow them on twitter at @prosoundeffects
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
This year at GDC we got another interview recorded. We sat down with Carley Nyte and chatted about a bunch of stuff. You can find her on twitter at @carlyenyte and hear her work in the next project from Camouflaj.
As well this episode we're very happy to have Pro Sound Effects advertising wtih us. We give a little run down on what we think about the Industrial Sounds With Soul library from Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet. Spoiler, we like it. As part of this, PSE has been awesome enough to give us a discount code for all our listeners. If you use the code BEARDS you'll get 15% off both the Industrial Sounds With Soul or the new Stallion libraries. You can see this and all their other libraries at www.prosoundeffects.com and follow them on twitter at @prosoundeffects
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
This was a big episode for us. With some help from some friends we hosted a night of live podcast recording while we were at GDC 2018. It was an amazing time. DB Cooper was our amazing guest who chatted with us about doing voice acting in games. Monument.house was kind enough to lend us their space. And Kim from gretta.com was who made that happen and was kind of her big idea in the first place. Thanks for everyone that came out. And if you didn't or couldn't, here's the recording!
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Here again for episode 47. We talk about getting people on board with audio and how to communicate around that. And how to analyze reference sounds and music to give clients what they're looking for. And we answer some questions.
If you're going to GDC and see this before then, we're doing a live recording of our next episode and hang out.
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
We run through a few things this time around. We talk about conferences and figuring out if they're worth it. Inspired by some Twitter posts by @jaymfernandes. We run down some stuff we learned at Audio Bash. We talk about some big time failures we've had lately. Answer some questions. And talk about cars for a bit.
As well from our announcments, Gord's soundtrack to Full Metal Furies is out. You can pick it up here. https://ashellinthepit.bandcamp.com/album/full-metal-furies
And Matthew is looking for speakers for CarouselCon 2018. It's free and takes place during lunch time at GDC. More info here. http://wootwootsound.com/carouselcon-2018/
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
A day late but we're still calling this the last of 2017 episodes. We talked about some random small topics this time and fielded some questions.
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
This month we decieded to cover some basics. We go over a bunch of terms and ideas that make up game audio and how we do things. This is mostly ment for developers and beginners. And to hopefully generate questions and more ideas for us to cover. If you're thinking of doing your own audio but have no idea where to start, or how to talk to an audio person, this could be a good place to start.
Calling this one part 1 cause we want to hear from our listeners on what we missed, what you disagree with or need to correct. Let us know and we'll build up part 2.
As well we talk about a quick bit about Mattia Cellotto's new dry ice library. More info available here - https://www.asoundeffect.com/sound-library/ultrasonic-dry-ice/
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
First time we've recorded at the new Klei office. We talk a bunch about dealing with social media interactions as a freelancer in audio. And answer a few questions.
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Back from missing a months episode. Last month I got real sick. Something I'm still dealing with. This episode we talk about that and what it's shown us about our situation in game audio and some of the filters or lenses our advice comes through. And how those sorts of lenses/filters are on all the advice you're being given out there. And we cover some questions as always.
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Back again and just the two of us talking again. This time we're on the road again in the car and talking about crunch, game jams and answering some questions.
As we'll we've got our first sponser. We talk a bit about Mattia Cellotto's Polarity library. Check out that and his other libraries at his website http://www.mattiacellotto.com/libraries/